Lost Box Images


Food 4 the Brain:

"at the end of the game-the king and the Pawn go in the same box"​​

When I first ran across my Lost Box, I could not believe what I had found.  I didn't know what to do with it or where to go for help.  So I sat on it, and time rolled by.  History, somebody's history was in a Lost Box in my closet.  That just couldn't be right- to have someone's history in-between my shoes, coats and hats. Never to be seen again?  No, no that did not sit right with me.  

I pulled out the box and had some of the images professionally scanned. Wow! Oh wow! I gasped at the images!  "This was in my box??" I asked the lab tech..."This was in MY lost box?  Having a silly silent conniption fit I grabbed my Gold... and put it back in the box...back in-between the coats, hats, scarfs, shoes, boots but this time scoured out a museum or two to see what I could do with this "stuff"...all of this "stuff" all this "Great" stuff except it was no longer stuff it was history and some of it my history.

Pamella D'Pella is an American Actress, Photographer, Singer, Dancer, and Artist ...and of course...Collector!